Welcome to All Miles Dispatch!
United States

About us

About us

We have everything you need to make your trucking business profitable.

All Miles Dispatch is a leader in the trucking industry. We provide a wide ranges of services that helps you to boost your trucking business fast.

We bring more than 4 years’ of experience that helps to manage your trucking business smoothly. Below are a few of our specialties.

Rate Negotiations
Broker Credit Check
Back-Office Management
Drivers Recruitment.
Call to ask any question 916-407-2568

Avinash Howal

(President and founder)

Boost your Trucking Business

Invoice Management

Creating and submitting invoices can be a hassle for you. Our professional team will take care of invoicing for you, so that you can get paid on time.

Rate Negotiations

Many truckers who think they can book load themselves, left 100s of dollars on the table. We do rate negotiation to provide you best rates.

Credit Check

It's really important to check credit of a broker before booking a load. Our team will check broker credits for you. So that you get paid quickly.

Accounting Services

Accounting is another area of expertise. We manage all accounting tasks that a driver or owner-operator can't manage properly. We do it professionally and make sure you always be in profit.

Drivers Recruitement

We have years of experience in recruiting good drivers for your trucking company. Now you need not to worry, if one of your driver has left in the middle of the month. Just give us a call and we will find a driver for you.

Back Office Management

Back-office tasks are important but no truckers wants to spend their time in managing back-office task instead of hauling a load. We will manage all your back-office tasks
Like What We Offer


In order to acquire our services please kindly send us your inquiry of interest. We shall revert back immediately.
Our Value Our Mission Payroll Service
Our rich experience in the industry and our strong connections with brokers helps our clients to get best loads for their carriers.

Our expert team of dispatchers will always keep your truck moving with best truck loads.

Our Mission is to help all the small and large trucking companies by providing them the necessary assistance that they need to grow their business. 

Our professional team is their to provide best loads to help trucking companies in their business.

We also manage payroll service for trucking companies. If you own a number of trucks we will help to manage the payroll for your company.

Our modern tech enable systems will help you to save your time and energy so that you can focus on your business.


We're ready to share our advice and experience.

We have developed the relationships with brokers that helps us to get the best rates that will not be available on regular load boards. This is the reason our clients gets more rate per miles than other trucking companies.


We draw on our global network to assemble a team of experts.

He has extensive experience in trucking industry with specialization in freight dispatching.

Avinash Howal

Founder & CEO

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